Oil Field Security Cameras

All oil fields and petroleum pipelines must implement security measures. Security systems protect assets and preserve valuable natural resources while helping businesses achieve their full earning potential. A significant challenge these businesses face is that petroleum pipelines and oil fields are often in extremely remote locations. Securing them functionally and cost-effectively can be difficult.

Oil field security is increasingly important. Businesses must monitor their processes and keep a watchful eye on the surrounding environment. Security issues range from costly, harmful leaks to theft, but Eye Trax offers a solution. Our oil field security cameras are the industry’s best for oil and gas video surveillance.

Powerful Security Solutions

Eye Trax remote pipeline monitoring and surveillance equipment set the standard in oil field security systems. The remote surveillance equipment is durable, reliable and versatile, allowing it to operate optimally in even the most remote locations and harshest conditions.

Here’s how Eye Trax cameras can benefit pipeline companies:

  • Solar-powered: Our cameras are 100 percent solar-powered. This means that no matter how far your pipelines are from the grid, you can install cameras to monitor them. With just six hours of direct sunlight exposure, Eye Trax cameras can operate continuously for five days and nights. The solar panels can be set up as far away as 100 feet from the cameras, as well, giving you maximum flexibility for setup and installation.
  • Motion Activated: Each pipeline surveillance system is equipped with a motion sensor that measures changes in thermal activity (passive infrared technology). This triggers the camera to capture video clips when a human or vehicle is present in the viewing area. Each camera system has a primary motion sensor on the camera and a wireless remote motion sensor that can be placed within 250 feet of the camera to provide complete perimeter security.
  • Night Vision Capabilities: Our oil field surveillance systems don’t rest when the day is done. Special filters and infrared illuminators give our high-definition cameras night-vision capabilities for 24/7 monitoring and surveillance.
  • Cloud-based: Eye Trax cameras never go offline because they use a cellular data network to provide wireless connectivity. Watch live video feeds of the oil field or access stored clips and other information from anywhere at any time. 

Consistently Monitor Threats & Concerns

Because oil and gas security is such an important issue, it’s apparent how remote surveillance equipment provided by Eye Trax can be crucial for pipeline companies. There are more than 2.6 million miles of oil and gas pipelines in the United States. Thus, operators need to keep their eyes on them at all times for numerous reasons: 

  • Terrorism: America’s energy pipelines can be prime targets for terrorists seeking to sow disruption and chaos. Using Eye Trax oil and gas surveillance cameras to closely monitor pipelines helps increase security and prevent the unthinkable.
  • Theft: Because pipelines can be so remote and often unmanned, they may be inviting for thieves looking for a relatively easy score. Oil and gas pipeline surveillance systems from Eye Trax make it possible for operators to protect their property — even if no one is present on site.
  • Ecological disaster: A leak anywhere along an oil or gas pipeline can be devastating to local ecology — resulting in costly cleanups and crackdowns from regulatory agencies. With oilfield security cameras from Eye Trax, pipeline operators can pinpoint leaks and respond to them faster, reducing the potential impact those leaks have on the environment and the bottom line. 

Our mission is to offer you a reliable, user-friendly solution for protecting essential assets and improving your business operations. Eye Trax oil and gas surveillance provides superior visibility and insight into daily practices. When you’re searching for the most effective day and night camera monitoring services, we have the ideal solution.

Contact us to learn about our surveillance systems and how we can help you protect your assets, the environment and your petroleum business.

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