
November 29, 2023

Why More Businesses Are Adopting HD Surveillance Systems

It isn’t possible for business owners to keep an eye on their properties 24/7, which is why many of them rely on surveillance systems. The ability to see what’s happening in and around their locations is critical for the productivity of their workforce, the security of their inventory, and the safety of everyone. Even though ... Why More Businesses Are Adopting HD Surveillance Systems

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November 20, 2023

The Importance Of Marijuana Security Camera Systems

If you’re going into the legal marijuana business, you’ll need to know a little about the security and surveillance business. The importance of security cameras for cannabis growers and sellers is twofold: First, the heavily codified legal weed business requires it; second, you’ll feel more comfortable knowing your business, employees and customers will always have ... The Importance Of Marijuana Security Camera Systems

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October 30, 2023

Quality Security Cameras Can Help Keep Schools Safe

Keeping children safe at school has always been a high priority for parents and administrators. The need has only become more pressing due to a spate of incidents over the last several years. Schools large and small in every community across the country are concerned about security. Students cannot learn and achieve if safety is ... Quality Security Cameras Can Help Keep Schools Safe

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August 10, 2023

Tips For How To Find The Right Business Security Camera System

No matter what type of business you have, protecting your people, property and assets should be one of your highest priorities. Security cameras are a great way to do this, as they provide 24/7 monitoring of the inside and outside of your locations. They’re useful for deterring theft, robbery, vandalism and other crimes when they’re ... Tips For How To Find The Right Business Security Camera System

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September 20, 2022

Why Manufacturing Facilities Need Security Cameras

A manufacturing facility is more than a workplace — it represents a substantial investment that needs to be kept safe for a number of reasons. In addition to the equipment, inventory and other assets they contain, manufacturing facilities are also sites in which large numbers of people perform potentially hazardous tasks each and every day. ... Why Manufacturing Facilities Need Security Cameras

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August 30, 2022

How Do Wireless Security Cameras Work?

Sometimes, running electricity to power a security system just isn’t feasible. Agricultural locations, construction sites, public areas, marine locations and more need to be monitored by owners, law enforcement and property managers, among others. Placing and powering cameras and relaying the information they capture in an efficient manner are challenges to be sure, but not ... How Do Wireless Security Cameras Work?

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July 12, 2022

Why Oil And Gas Security Systems Are Critical To The Industry

Despite how important they are to keeping the world as we know it functioning, oil and gas facilities and infrastructure can be highly vulnerable. This is because they are located by necessity in remote locations that are far from emergency services. If, for example, one of these sites becomes the target of vandals or is ... Why Oil And Gas Security Systems Are Critical To The Industry

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June 8, 2022

9 Points To Ponder When Investing In Marina Security Systems

For boat owners, marinas represent the freedom of the open waters, the excitement of sailing or economic opportunities. Unfortunately, they also represent an enticing target for thieves. Boats often carry a lot of expensive equipment that needs to be protected, but a marina can be difficult to secure. They’re usually located far from public view, ... 9 Points To Ponder When Investing In Marina Security Systems

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June 5, 2022

The Benefits Of Security Cameras For Warehouses

Any business can benefit from video surveillance for a multitude of reasons. Warehouses, though, are particularly suited for video monitoring. Huge spaces with hidden or frequently reconfigured areas, warehouses are difficult to physically monitor. The addition of security cameras for warehouses is a cost-effective way to secure your facility, protect your products from theft and ... The Benefits Of Security Cameras For Warehouses

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June 2, 2022

Questions To Ask Your Security Camera Installer

OK, you’ve made the decision to invest in a security system for your business — as well you should. Surveillance systems are a proven way to discourage theft and vandalism, increase security and uncover operational inefficiencies. They can also provide peace of mind to an owner or organization leader by giving them the ability to check on the operation at a moment’s notice.

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October 6, 2021

How To Protect The Property You Manage

Providing a safe and secure location for your residents is of paramount importance. Whether you own residential properties or you manage facilities for landlords or a property management company, you should know that in the United States, the rate of property crime was 1,958 cases for every 100,000 people as of 2020. These sobering statistics ... How To Protect The Property You Manage

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August 30, 2021

Construction Site Technology: The Cameras Are Rolling

At construction sites in remote locations where electricity is unavailable or there is no Internet connection, it’s a challenge to provide security. For organizations working in such industries as oil and gas, managing remote construction sites, or maintaining gate security at remote facilities, security cameras are the first line of defense. Surveillance cameras can fill ... Construction Site Technology: The Cameras Are Rolling

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